About us

HOUSEHELP is a cleanup services agency that operates nationwide through its franchise network. Our goal is to provide a quality service at competitive prices from North to South of Portugal. Our network of franchisees allows us to be closer to your local reality, adapting our services to your needs. Want to meet HOUSEHELP from your area?

Verify that the Postcode is in a valid format, for example 4200-132 Verify that the Postcode is in a valid format, for example 4200-132

Our goals

HOUSEHELP is a customer-focused business always aiming to exceed customer expectations. We understand that letting a stranger into your home is a big step, so at HOUSEHELP we do a thorough job of selecting and placing the right professional for each client. Our franchise network is ready to provide the same quality service that suits your local reality. What we offer is simple yet effective: Always the same professional every week and a HOUSEHELP manager you can trust to provide for your every need.

The Team


Teresa Carvalho

Expansion and Marketing

Academic Education

Economics Degree


Painting, Decorating & DIY

Homework you love the most


Least-liked housework

Cleaning up dust

What you like about HOUSEHELP

Diversity of situations and people in everyday life and balance between work and family life


Sofia Lourenço

Sales and Operations

Academic Education

Law Degree


Creative Reading and Sewing

Homework you love the most

Vacuum cleaning

Least-liked Housework


What you like about HOUSEHELP

Personal fulfillment and flexibility of time

Board Message

In Portugal since 2010, we are pioneers in this new concept of approach to domestic cleaning. We disagreed with the prevailing stereotype in our market that involved rotating teams, material used successively in different houses, the imposition of tasks and number of hours to the customer. At HOUSEHELP it's up to the customer! It is up to us to provide quality service to meet the expectations of those who hire us. Teresa e Sofia Teresa e Sofia HOUSEHELP Portugal Directors
Verify that the Postcode is in a valid format, for example 4200-132 Verify that the Postcode is in a valid format, for example 4200-132